Core Purpose
Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research was founded with a spirit of serving society through research.
With our focus on health we have evolved into an organization that combines medical research with excellence in patient care. Our research focuses on collecting health-related information, translating evidence-based guidelines in clinical practice, developing cost-effective interventions for improving care, investigating factors influencing disease development, and analyzing medical literature for developing clinical guidelines.
Our medical care services strive to deliver care as per internationally accepted evidence-based guidelines. This often translates to a structured approach in which teams of health care professionals work together to comprehensively address needs of patients and their families. Outcomes measurement is also increasingly used to continuously monitor and improve the quality of our care.
In all our activities we maintain a commitment to integrity that has often led our patients to comment that we provide care that they can trust. We hope that your experience with us will be similar and look forward to associating with you.
– Abhishek Bhartia
Director's Message

Abhishek Bhartia
Abhishek Bhartia is the chief executive and is involved in setting direction, developing and executing strategy, engaging physicians, and building improvement capacity across the organization. He has been Director since 2003 and has an MBA degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.